Knee Replacement

Committed to Restoring your Function

Achy Knee?

Did You Know That There Are Several Causes Of Knee Pain?

Proper Investigation & Treatment May Leave You Pain Free

What is a Knee Replacement?

A knee replacement, also known as knee Arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to replace a damaged or worn-out knee joint with a Prosthetic implant. 

The aim of the procedure is to:

  1. Eliminate Pain
  2. Improve joint function and Mobility.
  3. Enhance the quality of life.

What Orthopaedic Condition will Require a Knee replacement?

Knee replacement surgery is generally recommended for people with advanced orthopaedic conditions that cause severe knee pain and as a results, limits mobility. Below are some of the Conditions:

  1. Osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative joint disease that causes the cartilage in the knee to wear away, leading to bone on bone contact and pain. It can either be Idiopathic or due to previous knee injury (Post Traumatic Arthritis).

  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. This is an autoimmune disease that leads to destruction of the joint tissue.

  3. Osteochondritis dissecans. In this condition, pieces of bone and cartilage becomes loose and causes inflammation and accelerated degeneration of the the knee joint.

Knee Replacement Surgery is only considered after other treatments, such as physiotherapy, pain medications, and cortisone injections, have failed to provide adequate relief.

What is the Leading Condition for Knee Replacement?

The leading cause for knee replacement surgery is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative joint disease that occurs as the cartilage in the knee joint wears down over time. This leads to pain, stiffness, and limited mobility of the knee joint. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 2 people over the age of 60 have some form of knee osteoarthritis, making it the most common indication for knee replacement surgery.

What are the Benefits to having a Knee Replacement?

  1. Pain relief  –  Knee replacement surgery can eliminate knee pain, allowing people to return to their normal activities and enjoy a better quality of life.
  2. Improved mobility. –  Following knee replacement surgery, individuals experience improved joint mobility, flexibility, and increased range of motion.
  3. Increased independence. –  Being able to move again, means you don’t have to be reliant on others. Daily activities that you found a struggle before, you can now do with ease, such as walking, climbing stairs and shopping.
  4. Reduced dependence on pain medications  –  most patients can eliminate their reliance on pain medications.
  5. Improved quality of life  –  Knee replacement surgery is life changing, it allows them to participate in activities they may have previously been unable to do due to knee pain and limited mobility.
Knee Doctor in Richards Bay

Get in touch

Covering Richards Bay, Empangeni & Surrounding Areas in Zululand.


072 585 0323


Please note that this is for non urgent queries only, for emergencies contact our rooms during office hours or present to Garden Clinic’s Emergency Department


Life Empangeni Private Hospital, Doctors Block A, Suite 6, Corner of Biyela & Ukula Street, Empangeni, 3880

Covers Richards Bay, Empangeni & Surrounding Areas

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