Rotator Cuff Repair

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Committed to Restoring your Function

Shoulder Pain getting you down?

Early Treatment can lead to Improved Outcomes & Faster Recovery.

What is rotator cuff repair?

The Rotator Cuff is a group of tendons and muscles that connect the arm to the shoulder blade stabilizing the shoulder joint and allows for movement of the shoulder.

A Rotator Cuff Repair is a procedure to mend a tear in the rotator cuff.

This surgical procedure involves reconnecting the torn tendon to the bone or also suturing tendons back together in a partial tear. The main aim of this procedure is to relieve pain and improve shoulder mobility.

What conditions will require a Rotator Cuff Repair

  • Chronic Shoulder Impingement
  • Overuse or Repetitive Stain Injury
  • Trauma or Injury to the Shoulder
  • Natural aging and Degeneration 
  • Arthritis

Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear

 Shoulder pain, 
Weakness in the arm and Shoulder, 
decreased range of motion
Popping sound in the shoulder joint. 
Surgery is generally considered only if conservative treatments such as physiotherapy, pain medication, or cortisone injections are not effective. 
Dr NM van der Berg, an Orthopaedic Surgeon, may recommend a rotator cuff repair, in order to relieve pain and improve shoulder function.

Some of the benefits of having a rotator cuff repair include:

  • Pain relief. Surgery can relieve pain caused by rotator cuff tear, decreasing or eliminating the need for pain medication.

  • Improved movement of your shoulder. Allowing you to return to work, daily activities, sports, or hobbies.

  • Improved quality of life. Reducing pain and improving shoulder function will improve an individual’s overall quality of life.

It is important to note that the benefits of rotator cuff repair can vary depending on the individual. This generally depends on the extent of the tear, and other factors such as the age, chronic illnesses etc. 

It is always best to discuss the potential benefits and risks of the surgery with Dr NM van der Berg, an Orthopaedic Surgeon, to decide on the best treatment option for you

The importance of an early assessment

  1. Pain and weakness can worsen over time. Delaying treatment, a rotator cuff tear can become larger and cause increased pain and decreased mobility in the shoulder. This decreased mobility results in the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint to weaken.

  2. Early intervention can lead to better outcomes. If a rotator cuff tear is diagnosed and treated early, it can be repaired with less extensive surgery, leading to faster recovery and better outcomes.

  3. Delaying treatment can lead to chronic pain. If a rotator cuff tear is left untreated for too long, it can lead to chronic pain and limitations in shoulder function.

  4. Treatment options may become limited. If a rotator cuff tear is left untreated for an extended period of time, the options for treatment may become limited, and the tear may become irreparable.

It is important to see Dr NM van der Berg, an Orthopaedic Surgeon, if you are experiencing shoulder pain, weakness, limited range of motion, or other symptoms that may be indicative of a rotator cuff tear. 

Dr NM van der Berg always Opts for Non-Surgical Management, and will consider Surgery only if Necessary and if it can Improve your Outcome and Quality of Life.

Get in touch

Covering Richards Bay, Empangeni & Surrounding Areas in Zululand.


Please note that this is for non urgent queries only, for emergencies contact our rooms during office hours or present to Garden Clinic’s Emergency Department


Life Empangeni Private Hospital, Doctors Block A, Suite 6, Corner of Biyela & Ukula Street, Empangeni, 3880

Covers Richards Bay, Empangeni & Surrounding Areas

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